Monday 26 May 2008

Birching a Girl

Pictures of girls being birched are rare. These are not that good but they do capture the girl's trepidation at the birch's awesome reputation as an instrument of punishment and her fear of the pain of the first stroke.


  1. These photo's of a birching given to a naughty female on her bare bottom, brings out an erotic sexual excitement in me.

  2. That is the lovely and talented Amelia-Jane Rutherford, from Firm Hand Spanking.

  3. Good poses. But that's what they are. The pics lack verismilitude.

  4. I must have been in a sour mood when I left my comment. Looking again, I find the series excellent. This grading is mainly due to the expression and stance of the miscreant. Trepidation and modesty in the first: worry and 'unknowing' in the second; and true fearful expectation in the last. Glad to have made that correction.

  5. Thank you Charles for your thoughtful comments.

  6. I think I like the first image best. Everything is to come. So, fear and uncertainty on her part. Power and authority on his. She's so beautiful, too.
