Thursday 24 July 2008



  1. This drawing of a good birching given to a naughty female is pure erotic excitement on a 'blog called Beauty and the Birch.

  2. The shot of her bent over and submissive through his astride legs is terrific.

  3. To add to my previous comment......His stance declares that he has all the power, that he is brutal, and that he is going to derive fierce pleasure from the pain he will shortly inflict on her.

  4. I love this picture. The sheer size of the evil looking birch hints at the excruciating pain it will inflict. And the stance of the punisher suggests that he intends to put all of his strength into his disciplinary duty. She can expect several dozen and as she looks back nervously in the view between his legs, she knows it!! I presume that the other picture is intended to be her - a very deserving minx.
