Saturday 25 June 2011

Here is a collage of all seven girls to help you choose.


  1. Susan was the winner and poor Felicia got no votes at all. Hope you all enjoyed.

  2. Yes, it's a wonderful series, very well drawn, with lots of gusto.

    But I don't know where you're based? In the UK? If not, then the following might interest you:

    As they're in the Upper Sixth, surely some of them are prefects? And wouldn't the prefects get a more severe punishment for not preventing whatever it was they did? And if any happened to be the Head Girl or her deputy ....

    As for running away, anyone who is over school-leaving age - and the Upper Sixth are of course - could legally walk out and there wouldn't be a lot the school could do about it, even in the days when caning in schools was legal and rife. If they captured a girl who left and forced her back, that would be kidnap and even the strictest school would baulk at that.

    Just a suggestion: how about a scenario in which a girl walks out and then decides because of her exams to return to face the music ... ?

  3. This has to be the best series of artwork depicting well-deserved and thoroughly administered reform schoolgirl thrashings I have ever seen. It is a particular strength that none of the girls are punished bare-bottomed, so that the extraordinarily erotic and faintly more realistic effect of blazing weals burning through the this fabric of tight white schoolgirl knickers and miniskirts is depicted to perfection over and over again. Somehow it just seems so much more painful!
    Ah to be the disciplinarian, and then to be the girls! Especially the waiting girls...And then the tearful scenes of comfort and reflection in the dorm.

  4. Pleased you enjoyed the series, I think they are great too.
