Thursday 22 December 2011

Although it looks like this youung lady is enduring the sting of the birch, I think she is receiving the martinet - some French girls say equaly stingy.


  1. Whatever the instrument of correction, Dave, it is a fine drawing of this very contrite young lady having her fine, round bum soundly thrashed - an excellent example to those in charge of the discipline of naughty girls everywhere. In this case, not only the essential rule of "pants down for all punishments" is in play here but this wicked young madam has been made to strip naked which is very humiliating for any female in this day and age.

  2. Be it the birch, or the martinet, being received by a naughty woman on her bare bottom, it's a most joyous way of starting the New Year 2012, with a pleasureable 'spanking scene.
