Friday 30 November 2012


  1. Highly erotic. The girl is beautiful, young and voluptuous and her pout shows how much she resents being naked in front of the man. The middle-aged man does not need to worry that he shows the results of over-indulgence in his portly bearing, since he has authority and a rod with which to exert that authority. Soon the girl will be humbled, crushed and painfully wealed, while the man will be triumphant, gratified and gloating.

  2. Thank you. Your comment captures the essence of this drawing.

  3. I love the contrast between the 'loathly' man, portly, short, ill-favoured, with his flies beginning to bulge, and the beautiful young woman, still proud. It needs little imagination to see her 30 minutes hence: Strapped down; begging for mercy; and receiving none.

  4. Yes, the contrast between them is what makes this drawing great. His absolute authority, gross appearance, and pitiless manner, contrasts superbly with beauty, and her complete helplessness. Truly as it should be.
