Monday 2 June 2014



  1. Dave, who is this sweet young lady? She looks to be still a teenager with a slender, firm bottom that (I hope) still receives regular discipline at home. I would recommend at least weekly smackbottoms across the parental or teacher's knee, hard and long enough to turn that little tail a shade of deep pink before, if she has been especially naughty, six nice, hard strokes with a long, whippy cane, spaced out so that young madam appreciates every one and well-placed to ensure that she will not sit comfortably for a day or two.

  2. Good to hear from you Brian. She is Sunna and she is over 18.

  3. Judging by the racy underwear she has on, I have little doubt this young lady is deserving of such a punishment Brian describes.

  4. Thanks Dave - do you have any more photos of sweet young Sunna? (preferably including a glimpse of what lies between those adorable, smackable bum cheeks).

  5. Sunna is a delight. Dave, you don't have any more pics of this little darling, do you? (Preferably including a view of her private treasure hiding in between those sweet little bum-cheeks).

  6. I have added a pic I think you will like, Brian. Enjoy.
