Saturday 24 September 2011

The Girls School Cane


  1. Dave,
    One thing you should do if you are completely honest, is acknowledge you frequently use an author's drawings without giving his name:

  2. For the most part spanking artists do not sign their work nor do we otherwise know who they are. There is no intent on my part not to acknowledge their efforts, see for example the whole series by Hans Braun I posted. But thank you for repairing the omission in the case of the artist you highlight.

    I have not posted the other comment you made because all this is meant to be fantasy and I have nothing against nuns.

  3. Another wonderful set of drawings from Roue Dave - well done! Regarding the reader who takes you to task for not crediting the artist, well give us all a break! The artist, whoever he or she might be, was certainly not credited (no doubt by request)in the celebrated Issue No. 13 back in the 1970s and 40 years later I hardly think you have any obligations in this regard.

    I think the positioning of this naughty young schoolgirl over the bench, up on tiptoes with her legs as far apart as those stretched school knickers will allow is a classic example of how any young miss should be caned. However, the last drawing seems to suggest that this young madam has received only four strokes from her headmaster's cane. Now Dave, I'm sure you will agree that this is far from an adequate punishment for a girl with such a round, curvy little tail as this one - surely her teacher, if he has any sense of duty, should decorate that wicked young bottom with at least another half a dozen very hard swishes if this little minx is to learn a proper lesson from her caning.

  4. Yes Brian, four is clearly insufficient and a sixer is the least she deserves!

  5. I'd say at least another dozen across those lovely cheeks!

  6. Definitely deserving of more strokes. Give her 1,000 lines with 4 strokes after each 100 lines completed.
