Sunday 25 September 2011

The Martinet

What the paddle is to girls in the States, and the cane is or was in England, so the martinet in France.

Incidentally, I see that folks from 169 countries have visited this blog. All most welcome.


  1. Dave, thanks for posting this delightful drawing of a young French girl having her lovely fat little bum whipped with that classic Gallic instrument, the martinet. And what a pleasant change to note that this naughty young saucebox knows that she deserves to be punished and actually asks for it. If only all young ladies were as sensible!

  2. Many thanks for your excellent blog. I particularly enjoy the old drawings. May I say also how much I enjoy the comments of Brianmac which remind me of the pithy descriptions in the much lamented Blushes and Roue magazines. I hope he contributes more and at greater length.

  3. I agree, it is always nice to hear from Brian!

  4. The martinet with which I am familiar has slimmer strands, which are knotted at regular intervals, and oiled to make the strands heavier. It can be made to feel excruciating, so provide yourselves with a good gag.

  5. Yes, a proper martinet, knotted and soaked can teach an excellent lesson across bare bottom cheeks. And a gag will be needed for sure.
